The Bow Tie
I was invited to attend the AIC’s annual conference again this year, and for the first time since 2019, I was able to go. The AIC represents the agri-supply industry in the UK, and I’ve worked as a consultant for them for over 20 years. The night before there is always a dinner, and it’s now a black tie affair. I don’t think I’ve worn black tie since my university days, and then I always opted for the clip on bow tie. So I decided that this was an opportunity to learn a new skill - how to tie a proper bow tie.
First step, buying one.
Fortunately as I was in the U.K. for this challenge I was able to quickly procure one from Marks and Spencer.
Second step, fail hilariously in multiple attempts to actually follow the instructions on the box.
Step three, YouTube. Honestly, I’m not sure what people did before YouTube videos - this must have been one of those skills passed down through the generations. Even with YouTube it took a number of attempts to get anything resembling a normal bow tie.
Probably would have been better trying it with a shirt. On the actual evening I think I managed to pull it off.
So not bad. But actually the chief advantage of a real bow tie is that towards the end of the evening you can pull one end of the tie and leave it casually draped around your shoulder - thus demonstrating your bow tie-ing prowess.
Bow ties are now obviously cool. I should probably get more.