The Tower of London

The Tower of London
The Tower of London!

There’s a lot to fit in and this is a bit late. After Stonehenge on the Saturday, and the visit to Whipsnade Zoo on Sunday (not even on the list), I followed up on Monday with more walking with a trip to Ashridge Forest (also not on the list). I used to go there with Oliver and Amy when they were young. A very nice relaxed day. 

Amy presenting Ashridge.

Tuesday I headed off from my Aylesbury Travelodge to one in Covent Garden in London. I had an early check in so that I could dump my bags and head off to meet Lorraine for our Tower of London trip (on the list!). 

Before heading off to the Tower we grabbed some street food from Borough Market, which is worth being on anyone’s list, although wasn't actually on mine. We managed to pick a very messy pulled pork burger, although it was excellent. The market was packed though - school holidays I imagine. 

Queuing for my lunch.

Then it was on to the Tower! I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Other than knowing that the Crown Jewels were there I didn’t know much else about what was on display. But I was really impressed. The first thing we saw was a clever video presentation in the Bloody Tower. Then we took in the Crown Jewels, walked around the battlements and went up into the White Tower. Everything was really well done. Like Stonehenge, the Tower was busy, but still it didn’t feel uncomfortable walking around. 

On our way to the Tower via Tower Bridge.
I should have done this as a video. It was a very clever telling of the story of the two princes. 
Obligatory photo outside the Crown Jewels exhibition.
For some reason Lorraine wanted a photo of me near traitors gate, where those to be executed were brought in. (Also, I seem to have a standard pose.)

We finished with a walk around the moat. A great day, followed up by a beer on the way back to Covent Garden and ramen in a small restaurant near my hotel. Also very good!

Oh, and I got to try out some archery!

Clearly my arm is too strong after all of my training.

Wednesday Amy had planned to come down to wander around the British Museum with me. Unfortunately she wasn’t feeling too well when she woke up so I set off on my own. I had a quick breakfast there and then took a look at the Michelangelo exhibition, some early British history (neatly connecting my visit with the Stonehenge trip on Saturday), plus a visit to the members’ room (in an attempt to justify my ongoing membership), and a photo of the Rosetta Stone for Amy. 

Stonehenge research.

After that I did a relatively rapid walking tour of my old UCL university haunts before a late checkout and continuing my journey on to Norwich. 

Not all of this relates directly to my #52in52 of course. Nor does the journey to Warwick to see Oliver graduate - although that was the main reason for my trip to the U.K.. All worth mentioning though I think. Here’s the graduate with me and Amy. 

Amy suitably impressed with her brother

With all of this going on my habits have taken a bit of a hit. I’ve just about managed to do some piano, keep up my walking, stretching and reading. But chess study ended up being put on hold.

My original Czerny 101 Exercises, with comments from my piano teacher at the time. Good to know I make the same mistakes now as I did then.

I did get in my French listening though. 

  • C'était comme un grand jeu.
    It was like a big game.
  • Ce jour-là, pour la première fois, je me suis senti différent. 
    That day, for the first time, I felt different.
  • Il pense à l’avenir, aux conséquences.
    He thinks about the future, about the consequences.

The weekend was a little quieter, which is probably just as well. I was sorting a lot of old photos, books and tech equipment at Mum and Dad's house. I was also importing a lot of old slides to Dad's computer. All of which means I now have a wealth of information for Diderot entries. Which should make up for the fact that I haven't posted anything on that site this week.

You can tell I took my cycling seriously from a young age.

When I wasn't doing that, I was being looked after very well by my parents.

Another breakfast outside in Mum's well-tended garden.

Next week may be a bit quieter.